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Igor Frolov

Регистрация: 15 Jan 2019
Offline Активность: 17 Feb 2023 19:15
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В теме: Шлем - всему голова (тесты в лаборатории неуловимых британских учёных)

23 November 2022 - 13:16




В этой статье утвержадетс обратное. 



The use of safety helmets clearly decreases the risk and severity of head injuries as
compared to non-helmeted participants in skiing and snowboarding. The beneficial effects
of helmets are not negated by unintended risks as their use does not appear to increase the
risk of neck or cervical spine injury as compared to non-helmeted participants in skiing and
. The use of safety helmets also does not appear to increase the risk of
compensation behavior as compared to non-helmeted participants in skiing and
snowboarding. Therefore, helmets are strongly recommended during recreational skiing and
snowboarding. Limitations in current studies have been highlighted and need to be
appropriately addressed in future investigations on the subject.


Published in final edited form as:
J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 November ; 73(5): 1340–1347. doi:10.1097/TA.0b013e318270bbca

An Evidence Based Review: Efficacy of Safety Helmets in
Reduction of Head Injuries in Recreational Skiers and
Adil H Haider, MD, MPH1, Taimur Saleem, MD1, Jaroslaw W Bilaniuk, MD2, and Robert D
Barraco, MD, MPH3 on behalf of On behalf of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of
Trauma Injury control / Violence Prevention Committee
1Center for Surgery Trials and Outcomes Research (CSTOR) Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Baltimore MD
2Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown NJ
3Department of Surgery, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown PA

В теме: Является ли истирание подошвы лыжных ботинок потенциальным фактором риска травм...

31 October 2022 - 14:52

Фотография в статье, думается,  приведена в качестве примера измерения, а не как  полная методология исследования.  Хотя, нюансы важны;)

Гранты в этой области не соизмеримы с фарминдустрией и маловероятно, что бенефициаром в этом скромном исследовании кто-то является) Так что, хочется в верить )